White Paper: In House Banking – The Divergent Shift from Traditional Banking

In-House Banking The Divergent Shift From Traditional Banking

Thank you for your interest in Elire’s, “In-House Banking: The Divergent Shift from Traditional Banking.“ This white paper dives into an overview of In-House Banking and the components required for its successful deployment. For more information on our Treasury Services, visit our services page here.

In House Banking White Paper


  • Jordyn Fugere-Burmeister

    Ms. Fugere-Burmeister serves as Elire’s Director of Marketing, overseeing Elire’s Brand Strategy, RFPs, and Conferences. As a strategic Marketing leader, Ms. Fugere-Burmeister brings 8 years of experience in the Oracle Sector, with her team print and digital content developing to support all phases of the Oracle and Elire customer journey.

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