Webinar: Treasury In the Cloud

The Treasury Function is constantly evolving. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) based Treasury Management Systems (TMS) allow Treasury teams the necessary flexibility and agility to ensure that cash viability, operations, and policies are consistent with a company’s strategic vision and values. SaaS-based TMS solutions provide a variety of benefits including reduced costs, rapid implementation, and round the clock support requirements, business continuity, and increased reliability. In this session, we’ll highlight the current TMS landscape as well as provide insight into considerations for the selection and implementation of a new TMS.


  • Elire

    Established in 2005, Elire’s nineteen years of experience is focused on six main product areas: Oracle Cloud, PeopleSoft, EPM & Analytics, Treasury, Advisory Services, and Managed Services. Our mission: to be your Trusted Advisor. We fulfill this promise by efficiently implementing, integrating, upgrading, and optimizing your software investments and business processes.

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