Finding Gaps in Testing during PUM Application

In addition to being a record and playback tool, PeopleSoft Test Framework (PTF) is one element of the broader PeopleTools Lifecycle Management framework, which provides greater visibility into how organizations use their PeopleSoft environments, and how changes to PeopleSoft managed objects might impact their business processes.
Documenting business process tests in PTF allows you to correlate business processes to the underlying managed objects. Using PTF in conjunction with Usage Monitor provides you with even greater levels of information about the objects used in your system.
Test Coverage reports leverage PTF integration with PeopleTools to provide this information to you in a usable form.
PTF used by itself tracks the use of five step types – records, menus, fields, pages, and components. You can use PTF together with Usage Monitor to track additional PeopleTools managed objects used in the course of a test. This data can then be correlated with change projects (that is, fixes or bundles) to determine which tests need to be executed to test the change project.
For example, suppose you have 100 PTF tests in your test repository. You receive a bundle from PeopleSoft that consists of updates to ten PeopleCode objects. Based solely on the data stored by PTF, you cannot determine which PTF tests you need to run to test the bundle, because PTF does not track references to PeopleCode.
You can use Usage Monitor in conjunction with PTF to address this issue. Usage Monitor tracks references to additional PeopleTools managed objects, including PeopleCode. When you associate a test and test case with Usage Monitor all the actions taken while Usage Monitor is active are associated with the test and test case you specified.
A test coverage report correlates project data, PTF data, and Usage Monitor data to identify, in this example, which PTF Tests in the test repository reference one or more of the PeopleCode objects delivered in the bundle.
Test Coverage Report
Valentin Todorow has 12 years of PeopleSoft Technical and Functional experience and has completed over 80 Implementations of PTF in FSCM and HCM. He has built various integrations with other Test Management tools, Designed and Developed bolt-ons for PTF reporting, and headless execution.
Ms. Caron serves as Elire's Senior Marketing Specialist, specializing in content writing and digital media communications. Maddie works to deliver relevant industry updates and technical blog posts to educate and engage Elire's audience.