Oracle Cloud EPM: 5 Reasons to Make the Switch  

Oracle Cloud Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) stands as a cloud-centric solution designed to facilitate modeling and planning across diverse business sectors, enhance the efficiency of financial closure procedures, and empower more informed decision-making.  

As a component of the Oracle Fusion Cloud portfolio, it holds a prominent position in the realm of cloud-based financial planning and analysis solutions. Enabling users to conveniently reach the application at any time and from any location, Oracle Cloud EPM ensures seamless accessibility. 

Oracle Cloud EPM: Top 5 Reasons to Switch

Benefits of Oracle Cloud EPM:  

Oracle Cloud EPM customers experience a host of platform benefits, including reduction in time required for data collection, increased agility with pre-built close functionality, and adoption of predictive planning. Cloud EPM users reported improved forecast accuracy, improved efficiency with transaction matching, and improved productivity and change management with Enterprise Data Management (EDM).  

In addition to EPM based efficiency and productivity increases, users also saw a reduction in the number of days-to-close per cycle, reduction in manual tasks and closing costs, and a reduction in time needed to define, produce, and deliver reports.  

How to Begin your Transition to Oracle Cloud EPM

Oracle Cloud EPM can help your business strategically plan for the future, realize the entire value of analytics and reporting capabilities, close deals with confidence, personalize the platform to meet your needs, and rely on Oracle ownership for guaranteed performance.  

Ready for more Cloud EPM excitement? Join Elire on January 25th at 11 AM CST for an insightful webinar on Migrating to Oracle EPM Cloud. Whether you’re currently using Excel or an on-premise solution like Hyperion, discover the power of Oracle Cloud EPM in enhancing reporting efficiency and accuracy. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your financial management game! Save the date and register for the event here

To learn more about Oracle EPM, please contact [email protected]. To stay up to date on all thing Cloud, subscribe to Elire’s Monthly Cloud Newsletter. Make sure to follow Elire on LinkedIn and Twitter to receive industry updates directly to your phone. Looking to optimize you Cloud application? Check out Elire’s Path to Cloud webpage for next steps on your Cloud Optimization journey.  


  • Jordan Hutchcraft

    Ms. Hutchcraft serves as Elire’s Marketing Associate, working to develop and optimize marketing brand assets. Jordan collaborates with the Elire Marketing Team to produce blog and social media content, strategize for social media expansion, and maintain Elire’s internal and external branding.

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