Emerging Tech: Oracle Cloud Assignment-Level Security

Emerging tech like Oracle Cloud Assignment Level Security improves the safety of employee data

What Cloud Users Should Know

A heavier reliance on technology and the transition to remote work creates potential threats to your organization’s data. Cybercrime and system failures that result in lost or corrupted data are a few of the threats that can lead to financial loss and damaged reputations to an organization. 

Having effective data security techniques in place can help fight these threats to ensure your organization’s data is secure. 

Oracle’s 20D updates include a highly anticipated feature that can ensure privacy for your organization’s data: Assignment-Level Security.  

Assignment-Level Security is a feature that provides an additional layer of security, providing control of a user’s data access. Implementing this multi-phased feature can provide enhanced Cloud HCM Data Security for product areas like Person, Employment, Compensation, Talent, Absence Management, and Payroll. All upgrading 20D customers have the choice to opt-in to this feature.  

This feature restricts security access based on individual assignments. Rather than displaying all assignments that an individual has, assignment level security evaluates access on an assignment-by-assignment basis. 

Before assignment-level security, a manager who had access to an employee’s assignment would also have access to all other assignments of that same employee, even if those assignments were under supervision by a different manager or in a completely different business segment of the organization.  

For example, Assignment-Level Security could restrict users such as Line Managers or HR Specialists from viewing information about an employee’s assignment that is outside of their managerial responsibility and span of control. A nurse that has roles in different departments of the hospital could have a different line manager for each role. Each line manager should only see the nurse’s assignments for their respective department, and assignment level security helps to accomplish this. 

This approach ensures more privacy of employee data and restricts sharing of unnecessary information about an employee’s assignment information. 

Assignment-level security supports multiple assignments in scenarios such as concurrent multiple assignments and sequential assignments. This feature can provide an additional layer of security for concurrent multiple assignments like adding an assignment or temporary assignment, creating a work relationship, and adding global temporary assignments. For sequential assignments, the feature supports scenarios like global transfer and rehire.  

Opting into this feature is key to secure data, even if multiple assignments aren’t used. Assignment-level security ensures restricted access to sensitive information, like historical employment records, leaving employees and managers feeling secure about the privacy of their data.   

To connect with a Cloud Security Expert or for more information on expanded security offerings, check out Elire’s Cloud Services Page. 


  • Maddie Caron

    Ms. Caron serves as Elire's Marketing Specialist, specializing in content writing and digital media communications. Maddie works to deliver relevant industry updates and technical blog posts to educate and engage Elire's audience.

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