White Paper: ERP Optimization

Key consideration for optimizing your ERP Investments

Thank you for your interest in Elire’s, “Key Considerations for Optimizing your ERP Investment.“ This white paper will highlight several important considerations
that any enterprise should bear in mind as they evaluate their ERP investments and internal resources with an eye towards the future. For more information on our Cloud Services, visit our services page here.

ERP Optimization White Paper


  • Jordyn Fugere-Burmeister

    Ms. Fugere-Burmeister serves as Elire’s Director of Marketing, overseeing Elire’s Brand Strategy, RFPs, and Conferences. As a strategic Marketing leader, Ms. Fugere-Burmeister brings 8 years of experience in the Oracle Sector, with her developing print and digital content with her team to support all phases of the Oracle and Elire customer journey.

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