Migrating PTF Scripts: Test Cases and Execution Logs
Migrating PeopleSoft Test Framework scripts, test cases, and execution logs while ensuring smooth automation transitions and archiving logs using a DMS script.
Migrating PeopleSoft Test Framework scripts, test cases, and execution logs while ensuring smooth automation transitions and archiving logs using a DMS script.
Explore PeopleSoft Test Framework navigation methods, including Tiles, NAV BAR, and direct navigation, to optimize test execution and efficiency.
Follow this step-by-step guide to install the PeopleSoft Test Framework recording extension in Chrome and improve test script recording.
Import test case data into PeopleSoft Test Framework using Excel. Export a template, modify values, and load multiple test cases to enhance automation.
How to use functions, system variables, and reserve words in PeopleSoft Test Framework to automate test execution, adjust inputs dynamically, and enhance scripts.
Leveraging the Mass Update Tool in PeopleSoft Test Framework to update field names across multiple test scripts, enhancing test maintenance and automation.
Explore this one-stop-shop for all things PTF and automated testing. Dive into webinars, demos, in-depth blog posts, and technical guides that cover topics like testing fluid navigation, managing automation maintenance, and leveraging features like PeopleSoft Usage Monitor analytics.