Thank you to those able to join us for the 11 days of AFP 2020! Hopefully you had a chance to visit with Elire’s industry experts in our virtual booth, but if not, take a look at our Treasury Management Services page to download our informational onesheets.
This year’s educational sessions were broken down into the following six categories: Career Development, Capital Markets and Investments, Financial Planning and Analysis, Payments, Risk Management, and Treasury Management. With so many options for educational sessions, it’s understandable if you weren’t able to attend every session live that you may have wanted to. No worries, most session recordings and content will be available for attendees to access through February 28, 2021 on the AFP website.
We’re proud to have served as a Silver Sponsor of this year’s conference. Be sure and join us next year and in the meantime, view the archive of treasury and finance sessions from the 2020 Elire Treasury Experience.
“The AFP 2020 had very useful advice on topics old and new. Fundamentals in Hedging and In-house Banking gave very practical advice, while new technology in Blockchain and Faster Payments were explained in a common-sense approach. The LIBOR transition session was especially eye-opening to the upcoming complexities. It was well worth taking the time to attend.”
-Karen Willis, Elire Partner & Treasury Center of Excellence Lead
Ms. Caron serves as Elire's Senior Marketing Specialist, specializing in content writing and digital media communications. Maddie works to deliver relevant industry updates and technical blog posts to educate and engage Elire's audience.